
Monday 21 April 2014

Final Major Project Week 3

This week was a hard week for everyone doing the foundation course because with bank holiday's we have missed out on two days of university. However, through hard work and perseverance I have done most of my main research. I have been focusing on different strategies such as being Playful and Contextual Placing. Through looking at Playful advertisements I have learnt to think out the box and play with all of my idea's. One of the main Playful Advertisements that has stuck in my mind had been the PlayStation 2 bus stop in Malaysia done by Mcann Malaysia, I think that the idea of using bubble wrap to symbolise the iconic keys of the playstation remote in a bus stop is an interesting way to entise people to play when they are bored at a bus stop.

(mrchoo. 2014. mrchoo. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 18 April 2014].)

The Contextual Placing Advertisement that stood out to me would be the Amnesty International Adverts done by Walker in Switzerland. These are very interesting because the create curiosity in viewers and makes them want to know more. I believe that this is a very good way to raise awareness and educate the public in what is going on in the world.

(Not Here But Now, Clever Campaign by Amnesty International | 123 Inspiration. 2014. Not Here But Now, Clever Campaign by Amnesty International | 123 Inspiration. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 18 April 2014].)

I believe that I can use many of these techniques in my FMP. I am running a little behind on time according to my action plan, however I think that I will still be able to keep on track.

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